1.狱友没有拣肥皂不有爱;2.陪死刑犯不减刑不人道;3.哭点找不到同城一夜i情交友qq是书包买不起被土豪买了这段么;4.基本抄袭i am sam...换汤不换药;5.牢内警察不配枪越狱直接可以击毙啊坑纳税人的钱啊;6.打官司木有古美门完全没看头啊
So depressing, so sad, so mad... and so angry at times. and then you feel like you've just got your whole life played right in front of you, questions answered, fears crushed. In the end you feel like you don't care about anything no more, and weirdly, you found peace. 4 the 1 t.